Security Policies / C-TPAT Policy

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নিচে প্রদত্ত সকল CTPAT Policy গুলো সংগ্রহীত ।



HR Or Company / Factory সংক্রান্ত আরো Policy দেখতে ক্লিক করুন

Security Register পেতে ক্লিক করুন

Human Resource – Menu তে ফিরে যেতে

.Private CTPAT Policy


8 thoughts on “Security Policies / C-TPAT Policy

      1. Sir,

        It would be better to share the policy in English since we are not familiar with Bengali.

  1. Dear sir
    I need Air shipment Policy. when we face C TPAT audit auditor wants to Air shipment Policy .How can get Air shipment Policy.

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