নিম্মোক্ত Questions & Answers গুলো Professional Educational institution এর lecture sheet এবং Google.com থেকে সংগ্রহ করা হয়েছে । যার কোন কিছুই আমার নিজস্ব নয়। হয়তো নিম্মোক্ত Questions & Answers গুলো থেকে আপনি একটি idea নিতে পারবেন। কিন্তু শিখতে হলে আপনাকে কোন অভিজ্ঞ ব্যাক্তি বা Professional Educational institution থেকেই ভালো শিখতে পারবেন।
Question: What Are the principals of learning/Training?
Question: What are the orientation of training?Describe the needs of orientation of training?
Question: What are the Objectives of Training ? Describe it.
Question: What are the steps in training process and explain all the steps?
Question: What kinds of Qualities of a Good Trainer ?
Question: Describe The selection Process of Trainer ?
Question: What are the good points for a Trainer Guideline?
Question: Describe Different Training Methods?
Question: What is On Job Training? Describe On-the-job training Methods ?
Question: What is Off Job Training? Describe the method of it?
Question: What are the challenges Training and Development of Professionals?
Question: Why Training Programs Failure?
Question: How to Make Your Training Program Successful ?
Question: How a training budget can be prepared?
Question: Describe the steps in Training Evaluation Program?
Question: What are the points considered in training Policy?
Question: Describe Training System in Bangladesh .
Question: Explain the importance of Training?
Question: Give some suggestion how to make effective Training Program ?
Question: How Trainer can make a Trainer Preparation?
Question: What are the Preparation plans for a trainer?
Question: What are the Barriers to Organizational learning & training program?
Question: Discuss the Training needs assessment and its purpose?
Question: Discuss the level of Training needs Assessment (TNA)?
Question: What You Should Ask During Training Needs Analysis?
Question: What are the Differences between Training and Education?
Question: What is the difference between Pure and Applied Research?
Question: What are the functions in HR Research?
Question: What the objectives Of HR research ?
Question: What are the steps of HR research?
Question: What are the Purpose of Research?
Question: What is HR Research and Research?
Private – Human Research, Training and Development