ANNEX List of documents for Chemical Management Audits
The following list of documents is prepared based on the feedback received from auditors regarding documentary requirements The auditor will request general documents at least two days prior to the audit and may also request additional documents from the below for his review the during the tor forude preparation.
General documents
1. Business License Operating Permit of the factory
2. Factory layout plan including discharge pipeline map for the whole facility which includes wastewater and domestic wastewater etc.
3. Introduction of facility production processes
4. The product types and production volume statement of the last year
1 Procedure for monitoring period validity and renewal.
2. Permits such as
- Water intake permit
- Water extraction permit
- Permit for effluent treatment plant
- Permit for noise emissions
- Permit for sod waste discharge (hazardous waste and non-hazardous waste), applicable permit for treating hazardous waste qualification of waste treatment operator and waste transfer record.
- Permits for outside waste collectors and treatment operators (if applicable)
- Permit for landfilling and/or incineration
- Pollutant discharge permit
- Chemical usage permit (e.g record of precursor chemicals)
3. Identification list of indoor and outdoor noise emission sources including noise generation sources and controlling methods etc
4. Proof of environmental law-abiding from the last three years with a legal stamp from environmental protection bureau
5 If the facility has received an official notice or prosecution for non-compliance with respect to environmental legislation in the past 3 years, the fact should be able to provide with corresponding explanation and documents showing corrective measures
6. Documents as proof of compliance to CPSIA and GPSD
7. Documents as proof of compliance to REACH
8. Environment management certificate such as ISO14011
1. Waste inventory thazardous and non-hazardous, including type, sources, and production rates
2. Policies and written procedures to manage waste generation separation, segregation and disposal including procedures to manage waste leaks / spill response and procedures for waste transportation.
3. Certificate of qualification contract and license of waste treatment companies (including recycling companies, such as for chemical barrels) and transport companies (especially for hazardous waste)
4. Policies and written procedures to manage wastewater generation, pre-treatment, treatment, and discharge.
5. Policies and written procedures to manage water resources Consumption production, and discharge.
6. Reports for wastewater quality testing and monitoring and reports for an emission and noise monitoring (past 24 months).
7. EIA (Environmental impact assessment), completion of environmental inspection report and approval EIA approval.
8. Exhaust gas test (including organized and disorganized emissions) which contains desorption of exhaust gases source,types and amounts of discharge and the respective treatment facilities
9. Maintenance records of exhaust gas treatment facilities
10. ODS inventory and ODS management procedure fif applicable)
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