What is Transaction certificate (TC) in organic certificate ?

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A transaction certificate is issued to certify that the products sold (can be to another operator in the country or export) in each consignment are certified organic products. Buyers may need to have this transaction certificate to show to the inspector inspecting his/her operation or for importer to submit it to the custom officer for import clearance.

Only operators certified with ACT can ask ACT to issue the transaction certificate. ACT only issue the certificate for each consignment (purchase order). So for every sale, operator would have to ask for a new transaction certificate from ACT.

Ask for an application for transaction certificate from ACT office, complete the form and attach copy of delivery note and invoice of the transaction. ACT will charge the transaction certificate fee of THB 300/certificate.

ACT will check and verify the information from the last inspection report and certification decision before issuing the transaction certificate. In normal case, the certificate should be issued within 5 days after the submission of the request to ACT.

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