Question: Discuss the registration process of trade union?

Spread the love                      Answer: 1.Application of to register 2. List of Members of TU mentioning the post.…

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Question: Draw up the structure or committee of trade union?

Spread the love                      Answer: The committee is independent to define its structure objectives , form of action…

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Question: What is the Advantage and disadvantage of Trade unions (T.U) ?

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Question: What are the function of trade union ?

Spread the love                      Answer: 01. Improve wages                              02. Working condition. 03. Overthrow capitation.                   04. Fundamental…

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Question: What are importance and objectives of Trade Union (T.U)?

Spread the love                      Answer: Get employment Fall in line with others. Participate in union activities Exercise leadership…

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Question: Explain grievance handling procedures?

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Question: What are cause of Grievance?

Spread the love                      Answer: 01. Poor relationship      02.  Bad work place 03. Lack of discipline                  …

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Question: Discuss the effect of good and bad IR in Industry ?

Spread the love                      Answer:                     Good IR                       Bad IR 1. History of IR 2. Economic satisfaction3.…

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Question: What are the objectives and importance of IR ?

Spread the love                      Answer: Objective of IR : 01. Develop good relation                          02. Industrial peace 03. Safeguard…

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Question: Explain Industrial Relation ?

Spread the love                      Answer: Industrial relation is an triangle relation among employee , employer and government.

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