Question: What are the Scope and time-frame for data collection and data verification?

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Answer: Answers provided within this Tool should be based upon two things: scope and time-frame.

SLCP Assessment Step 1 – DATA COLLECTION (self/joint-assessment)
The scope of the initial self-assessment is the entire facility which is based on a specific facility address and name, as associated with an applicable business license, as indicated in the Gateway Facility Profile. All workers associated with that facility name and address are in scope.
The timeframe of the initial self/joint-assessment is based on the previous 12 months from the date that the self/joint-assessment was completed by the facility. The Tool completion date is entered by the facility and is found under Facility Profile question FP-BAS-26 Date of self/ or joint-assessment submission (YYYY-MM-DD). This means that when answering any questions in the Tool, the facility must reference the past 12 months of operation to reflect the accurate answer in the Tool.

SLCP Assessment Step 2 – DATA VERIFICATION        
The scope of the verification process is based on a sampling methodology explained within the Verification Protocol. Sampling can occur of the entire facility scope, as reported in the self-assessment (based on the facility name in the Gateway Facility Profile, and facility address associated with that Gateway Facility Profile). The verification timeframe matches the self/joint-assessment timeframe, as the goal of the verification is to assess the accuracy and completeness of the facility self/joint-assessment.

The Verification Protocol can be found here:

Note: Because the verification timeframe matches the self/joint-assessment timeframe, SLCP wants to ensure that the verification of the facility data occurs within a tight timeframe. This helps create a verified assessment report with still recent data. The onsite verification must happen within 2 months of completion of the self/joint-assessment. This means that the verification cannot happen more than 2 months after the date entered in question FP-BAS-26 Date of self/ or joint-assessment submission (YYYY-MM-DD). 

Use of the term “worker” or “workers”:
The term “worker” or “workers” is used throughout the Tool. “Workers” are persons working on/with the facility’s product or directly involved in the operations of the facility. They are non-supervisory, which means no one reports to them. Facilities include those involved in production of goods, and also those involved in operations related to the product, e.g. distribution. Examples of “workers” are cutters, sewers, QC, packers, etc. (all workers who contribute to produce the product), boiler workers, mechanics (machine repair persons), and workers who load product onto trucks. 

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