Question: What are the concepts of tool steps of data collection Tool modules / What are the condition of data collection tool module for Step-1 , 2 and 3 to include a facility ?

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The SLCP Data Collection Tool includes three modules:
• Step 1 Essentials
• Step 2 Progressive
• Step 3 Advanced

Step 1 is the default Step selection. The facility can choose either one of the three Steps.

• Step 1 “Essential” covers key social & labor compliance questions, mostly connected to International Labor Standards (ILS) and National Labor Law (NLL).

• Step 2 “Progressive” focuses on management systems and questions that are supportive social & labor compliance questions but less critical. These questions are often found in social industry and certification standards. Step 2 includes all Step 1 questions.

• Step 3 “Advanced” covers questions that go above and beyond social responsibility industry standards, are not required by national or international law, and seek to elevate workplace well-being and community impact. Step 3 includes all Step 1 and Step 2 questions. 

Which Step should I choose?

The Tool has been created with the idea that most relevant and key questions are covered under Step 1. However, facility needs can be different and facilities therefore have options to choose from. Facilities may consider the following points when making their Step choice:

• Size: If your facility is of smaller size (e.g. less than 500 workers), it is likely that Step 1 will be the most appropriate for you. Generally Step -1 select for new facility whose facility did not come before.

• Policy & Procedures: If you have written policies and procedures, then choose Step 2. Clarification: Step 2 covers management system questions and questions that are connected to or go beyond key social & labor compliance issues but are still connected to NLL.

• Ambition level: If you have a high ambition level on social performance (e.g. worker well-being and community programs), choose Step 3.

• Buyer relationship: If you are working with your buyers on specific CSR programs/requirements, discuss with them the most appropriate Step. Clarification: Step 2 covers questions found in social industry standards or Codes of Conduct.

SLCP has also created a simple tool to help you understand the compatibility of the different Steps against the most commonly used Standards and Codes of Conduct: This information can also help you understand the preferences your client/ business partner may have regarding Step selection.

In the Facility Profile section you will need to choose which Step you would like to complete. The default Step selection is Step 1. 

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