01. Ineffective leadership
02. Lack of workers education.
03. Unfair management practice
04. Excess work pressure.
05. Low wages
06. Poor working condition.
07. Lack of promotional opportunity
08. Uninteresting work.
09. Outside political pressure.
1. General misconduct
Nearly all (93%) of those surveyed reported that the most common issue raised as the subject of a formal disciplinary hearing would be “general misconduct”, with 43% saying this was frequent and 50% describing it as occasional.
2. Poor performance/capability
The ability of someone to do their job was not far behind, with 87% of employers saying that poor performance disciplinary hearings happened either frequently or occasionally.
3. Poor timekeeping
Workers’ reliability in being in the right place at the right time was the subject of the third most common discipline issue. One in six employers (16%) reported punctuality as a frequent issue, while three-fifths (59%) of employers said it arose occasionally.
4. Unauthorized absence
Employees who have taken leave without permission were the fourth most common disciplinary offence, with seven in 10 of those surveyed saying this was either frequent or occasional.
5. Misuse of email, internet or social media
Facebook, Twitter or email misuse came next, with 58% of employers reporting this as occurring “occasionally”. Only 4% said this was a frequent issue, while 38% said it was never the subject of a formal disciplinary hearing.
6. Bullying and harassment
While 44% of respondents said bullying or harassment was never the subject of the discipline, 53% said it was occasional, and 3% said it was frequent.
7. Theft or fraud
More than half (53%) said theft/fraud was the occasional subject of a hearing, but only 2% said it was a frequent issue.
8. Health and safety
Infringements of health and safety requirements were less likely to be the subject of a hearing, with 51% saying this was never the issue; 42% saying it was occasionally; and 7% reported it as a frequent issue.
9. Violence
Violence in the workplace was further down the list, with none of the employers surveyed reporting it as a frequent subject of disciplinary hearings. A quarter (27%) said it was occasionally raised, but 73% said “never”.
10. Substance misuse
Alcohol or drug-related disciplinary hearings were similarly uncommon, with 74% saying it never came up, 25% describing it as happening occasionally, and 1% saying frequently.
11. Discrimination
The least common issue to be the subject of a disciplinary hearing was discrimination, with 81% of employers saying this never happened and 19% saying it was raised occasionally.