Management System Policy – English

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———————Limited is a 100% garments manufacturing, washing & dyeing processing factory strives to constantly develop a range of innovative garments solutions, generate opportunities for people, work productively with partners, use our capacity and skills to maximize our impact, and to use our unique approach to improve the offering we make to people and communities alike. We recognize that care of our employees and the environment are central to our business and we are dedicated to operating in a manner that achieve these goals. Our overall target is to aim for zero incidents.

Our Management system identifies significant quality production, information, security, environmental and health and safety aspects and the associated impacts of our operations, We will strive to reduce the environmental and health and safety impacts of these operations, our products and services using appropriate solutions and technologies, and minimize the risks of all kind of incidents, These will be managed at all times in a way that minimizes risk to our customers, the environment, all employees, visitors and contractors on site. Training and continual risk assessment will ensure that this is undertaken in a controlled manner.

In order to achieve the objectives of the policy, we believe in demonstrating our commitment to continual improvement through the implementation of our Management Systems, compliant with the requirements of Bangladesh Labor Laws, International Labor Standards, BSCI, Environment Health and Safety and Security standards.

Specifically we will:

  • Comply with the core values that can be specified as Social Management System, Workers Involvement and Protection, the rights of Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining, NO Discrimination, fair Remuneration, Decent Working Hours, Occupational Health and Safety, No Child Labor, Special Protection for Young Workers, No Precarious Employment, No Bonded Labor, Protection of the Environment, Ethical Behavior.
  • Include quality, security environmental and health and safety considerations in existing management systems and initiatives with the aim of improving our management processes, information security, customer satisfaction, environmental and health and safety performance, whilst committing, at a minimum, to compliance with relevant legislation, security obligations and other requirements to which the company subscribes.
  • Comply with the Local Labor Laws, International Labor Standards and buyers Code of Conduct.
  • Work in partnership with out sub-contractors and suppliers to influence and/or improve their environmental and health and Safety performance, and the integrity of whole supply chain.
  • Provide and maintain safe plant and equipment, and information security.
  • Implement systems to review and monitor performance, liaising with outside bodies where relevant, in order to achieve or exceed annually set objective and targets which will ensure continual improvement.
  • Undertake methods of improving efficiency in the use of human resources, raw materials and energy.
  • Identify and seek to reduce significant environmental and health and safety aspects, prevent injury, ill-health and pollution, and prevent incidents which may arise from our processes operations and work activities.
  • Aim to reduce waste generated from process activities and utilize waste minimization philosophies to promote reuse, recycling or the generation of power from waste.
  • Make adequate provision for dealing with all emergency situations in our business.
  • Ensure available access to production, quality, security, environmental and health & safety information and training for our workers/staff, encouraging them to apply good practice at all times.
  • Discuss quality, environmental and health & safety issues regularly at the highest levels of the company and consult with our workers/staff   on all related matters.
  • Establish criteria against which environmental, health and safety, business and security risks will be evaluated.

The management system, policy, objectives and targets will be reviewed on a regular basis by top management.

This policy statement is communicated to all employees and persons working for or on behalf of the organization and will be made available to the public, stakeholders and any other interested parties on request.


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