একজন এইচ.আর.প্রফেশনাল হিসেবে আমাদেরকে ফ্যাক্টরীতে বিভিন্ন সেকশনে বা বিভাগে বিভিন্ন পদে লোকবল নিয়োগ করিতে হয় । তাই আমাদেরকে উক্ত সকল সেকশনে বা বিভাগে বিভিন্ন পদে লোকজন কে কি কাজ করে তার কিছুটা বা ভালো ধারনা রাখতে হয় অন্যাথায় আমারা সঠিক স্থানে সঠিক লোক নিয়োগ দিতে পারবো না যা কিনা একজন এইচ.আর এর মুল কাজ এর মধ্যে পড়ে। তার জন্য আমি প্রায় সকল সেকশন বা বিভাগ নিয়ে Study করার চেষ্টা করেছি। Fabric Inspection হল Production শুরু করার পূর্বের প্রথম ধাপ। যাহা সারাংশ আকারে এখানে উপস্থাপনা করার চেষ্টা করেছি। নিম্মোক্ত আলোচনায় কোন process এর পর কোন process কাজ করা হয় তা পর্যায়ক্রমিকভাবে তুলে ধরার চেষ্টা করেছি।
Layout / Work Process of Fabric Inspection
1 . Fabric Inspection:
10 % fabric roll inspection for all . If found fail among of 10% thus fabric roll inspection will be 20% and if found again fail thus it will be for 100% inspection.
2 . Swatch cut: 100% roll cut for swatch ( Cutting for Blanket and Shrinkage)
Fabric shrinkage is simply the extent to which a piece of fabric changes in length or width during the laundry process.
Shrinkage need 10% for cotton & polyester fabric but 100% need for spadix fabrics to identify how much the fabrics spread after wash.
01 pcs Shrinkage cut from the Swatch fabric as per specific pattern to measurement how much fabric will be spread after wash.
Blanket need for 100% roll to identify shade (color) for each fabric roll after wash .
04 pcs blanket cut from the Swatch fabric as per specific pattern to measurement how much change fabric colors.
3 . Shrinkage Marking , Blanket writing & sewing:
Before wash need to shrinkage marking as per approval and need to sewing blankets for wash then the Shrinkage part will be sent to wash.
Shrinkage marking process doing during Shrinkage Cut from Swatch fabric as well as blanket marking also doing during blanket cut from swatch fabric.
Here it Should be mentioned that blanket means each fabric parts from each roll of same color fabrics.All of part have to stitch together which called blanket . The blanket will sent to wash to show how much color will be changed for all roll (same color).
Generally blanket prepared 04 copies ( 02 copy for before wash and 02 copy for after wash) as bellow;
01 copy before wash + 01 copy after wash stitch together to send these head office / Top management for approval.
and remaining: 01 copy before wash + 01 copy after wash stitch together to preserve at factory .
If management approval the copy thus it will be ready for cutting permission.
4 . Shrinkage panel Iron , measurement and Report:
After wash there need to Shrinkage Iron and measurement for shrinkage and Shade after wash and make report for before wash and after wash.
After wash Shrinkage parts will have to Iron to measurement properly . Then the Shrinkage will be match before and present (after wash) measurement and making report.
5 . Fabric GSM (Gram per square meter) , Skew , Twisting Check:
During Shrinkage, a parts also cut to measure its weight by weight scale and kept record . After wash same size fabric again cut to measure its weight and keeping record to see variation as well as fabric skew or bowing , twisting record also maintain.
6 . Fabric Relax Check & Report
After Complete the above process if cutting permission will get thus all fabric roll have to relax by fabric relax machine before cutting as below:
1 . Twill fabric have to relax for = 12 hrs before cutting date .
2 . Cotton fabric have to relax for = 24 hrs before cutting date .
3 . Spadix fabric have to relax for = 48 hrs before cutting date .
Written by
Md. Hasan Mahmud Tuhin
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