WRAP (Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production)

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WRAP is certification Audit . It is based on USA buyer & brands and it’s Headquartered in Arlington, Virginia, USA. Retailers, such as Nike, GAP, and Walmart routinely demand makers to have a substantial WRAP accreditation even though they have their own confirmation and consistence process. As such, WRAP is a vital venturing stone for those keen on sending out to USA based purchasers. ———–

Anyone can check certification result by searching by the name of factory through WRAP website. Click kere

WRAP Official website

Question: What is WRAP?

Question: Why WRAP

Question: What is WRAP audit?

Question: How we can did self assessment for WRAP?

Question: Who performs WRAP Audits ?

Question: What is the Cost for WRAP Certification?

Question: What are the Wrap Certification Process?

Question: What are the principle or certification standards of WRAP ?

Question: What is the COC of WRAP ?

Question: What is WRAP Audit Checklist ?

Question: What are the WRAP rating system or Certification Levels?



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Accord / RSC ( RMG Sustainable Council)

BSCI(Business Social Compliance Initiative )

Amfori BEPI (Business Environmental Performance Initiative)

ICS (Initiative for Compliance and Sustainability)

HIGG Index

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)


Organic Certification ( GOTS, OCS , GRS ,RCS,RDS ,RWS)

Sedex ( Supplier Ethical Data Exchange )

SA 8000

Security Audits (C-TPAT ,GSV ,PIP and AEO )

WRAP (Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production)

Others Certifications & Audits;

BWB(Better work Bangladesh)

Clemens & August (C & A)

Li & Fung





Audit Firms / Organizations details or Site link


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