Standard 100 by Oeko-Tex Application

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2. MySTeP by Oeko-Tex

Spread the love                      MySTeP by Oeko-Tex MySTeP by Oeko-Tex is the central Oeko-Tex database that stores information…

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5. Eco Passport by Oeko-Tex

Spread the love                      Eco Passport by Oeko-Tex is a certification system for textile chemicals (e.g. colourants, optical…

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4. Leather Standard by Oeko-Tex

Spread the love                      Leather Standard by Oeko-Tex Logo of Leather Standard by Oeko-Tex The Leather Standard by…

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3. Made in Green by Oeko-Tex

Spread the love                      Made in Green by Oeko-Tex Made in Green by Oeko-Tex is a label for…

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2.STeP by Oeko-Tex

Spread the love                      STeP by Oeko-Tex STeP by Oeko-Tex (Sustainable Textile Production) is a worldwide certification system…

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What Oeko-Tex Certificates have ?

Spread the love                       Standard 100 by Oeko-Tex STeP by Oeko-Tex Made in Green by Oeko-Tex Leather…

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Detox to Zero by Oeko-Tex

Spread the love                       Detox to Zero by Oeko-Tex Detox to Zero is a service by Oeko-Tex…

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Certification process and control tests ?

Spread the love                      To have a textile or leather product certified by Oeko-Tex, manufacturers must supply samples…

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