প্রশ্নঃ Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of Chemical Storage কি ?

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Standard Operating Procedure of Chemical Storage

Purpose: To provide minimum requirements for the storage of chemicals at ———– Ltd.

Scope: This SOP is applicable for storage chemical.

Procedure: Chemical storage of all chemical following points needs to be considered.

1. Chemical will be unloading very safely from vehicle by proper PPE wearing person/employee so that the label & chemical container is not be damaged. And ensure every stage of chemical handling must be using proper PPE.

2. By use checklist record the information for condition of container & label.

3. If found any inconsistency take necessary action by informing ECR & purchase responsible.

 4. Chemical are separated in selected area by sort of risk & use.

5. Storage chemical information must be noted in store register.

6. Chemical will be storage according to compatibility chart. Secondary container will be provided.

7. Receive date will be putted into chemical drum/bag body. And previous chemical will be use fast (fast in fast out procedure). For every chemical storage area putted Bangla MSDS. In time of storage chemical label keep in front.

8. The pathway of chemical store doesn’t be blocked by anything and stacked chemical height limit 6 inches.

9. In chemical store kept sufficient light & air system. Sunlight can’t be falling into chemical directly.

10. Proper fire extinguish system will be kept activated. All kind of fire use and smoking is banned in this area. Put the List of authorized people who have access to chemical store & unauthorized person can be access by permission.

11. Chemical spill kits & use guideline, eye wash and sufficient PPE will be kept open into selected area.

12. Chemical store kept neat and clean regularly. And this will be recorded in register book.

Responsible Department: HR, Compliance & Production


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