Organic Standards

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If you or your company want to take Organic certification ( GOTS , OCS ) thus you or your company have to ensure that all type of component ( which are using to produce your products ) are also organic certified.

Here it should mentioned that if you want to take GOTS Certificate thus you must have to ensure that all type of component should be GOTS certified same as OCS certification.

It will be not allowed that if you want to take GOTS certificate but you show challan copies of and others for OCS. Same as condition for OCS also.

You have to show separate production place for ever process of GOTS or OCS products in your factory.

During GOTS or OCS audits, you may have to share any social compliance audit so that you can ensure them that your organization comply with law, rules and regulations . Here it should me reminder that you can’t show any NC (non-compliance) report in that social report so that you have to close all NC before GOTS or OCS audit otherwise the certificate will may not be issued.

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