MS Excel

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MS Excel এ Data Validation কি এবং কিভাবে আপনার ইচ্ছে অনুযায়ী data সাজাতে পারেন।
Sum . Sumif , Sumifs এর মাধ্যমে কিভাবে ০২-০৩ ঘন্টার কাজ কিভাবে মুহুর্তেই করে ফেলা সম্ভব !!!
Microsoft Excel এ Vlookup formula এর মাধ্যমে হাজার হাজার data থেকে খুব সহজেই কিভাবে কাংঙ্খিত data খুজে বের করে ফেলা সম্ভব।

Different collection – not elaborate yet for publish (Publish will very soon after elaborating but now preserved these as private post)

Microsoft Excel Tutorial PDF file পেতে ক্লিক করুন

How I can separate all pages from an Excel Sheet with VBA Code .

Excel shortcut keys
F2 — Edit the selected cell.
F5 — Go to a specific cell.
F7 — Spell check selected text and/or document.
F11 — Create chart
Ctrl + Shift + ; — Enter the current time.
Ctrl + ; — Enter the current date
Alt + Shift + F1 — Insert new worksheet.
Shift + F3 — Open the Excel formula window.
Shift + F5 — Bring up the search box
Ctrl + A — Select all contents of a worksheet.
Ctrl + B — Bold highlighted selection.
Ctrl + I — Italicize highlighted selection.
Ctrl + C — Copy selected text.
Ctrl + V — Paste
Ctrl + D — Fill
Ctrl + K — Insert link
Ctrl + F — Open find and replace options.
Ctrl + G — Open go-to options.
Ctrl + H — Open find and replace options.
Ctrl + U — Underline highlighted selection.
Ctrl + Y — Underline selected text.
Ctrl + 5 — Strikethrough highlighted selection.
Ctrl + O — Open options.
Ctrl + N — Open new document.
Ctrl + P — Open print dialog box.
Ctrl + S — Save.
Ctrl + Z — Undo last action.
Ctrl + F9 — Minimize current window.
Ctrl + F10 — Maximize currently selected window.
Ctrl + F6 — Switch between open workbooks/windows.
Ctrl + Page up & Page Down — Move between Excel worksheets in the same document.
Ctrl + Tab — Move between two or more open Excel files
Alt + = — Create the formula to sum all of the above cells.
Ctrl + — Insert the value of above cell into the current cell.
Ctrl + Shift + ! — Format number in comma format.
Ctrl + Shift + $ — Format number in currency format.
Ctrl + Shift + # — Format number in date format.
Ctrl + Shift + % — Format number in percentage format.
Ctrl + Shift + ^ — Format number in scientific format.
Ctrl + Shift + @ — Format number in time format.
Ctrl + (Right arrow) — Move to next section of text.
Ctrl + Space — Select entire column.
Shift + Space — Select entire row.
Ctrl + W — Close document.

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