Captive Power Plant (CPP)

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Check List

List of Papers/ Information to be submitted for amendment of Electricity Generation
License of Captive Power Plant(CPP):

  1. Pay-order/ Demand draft of Application fee
  2. Corporate Authorization (If applicable)
  3. Copy of CPP License
  4. Catalogue of Generator(s) (in case of addition of new generator )
  5. Copy of Certificate of Incorporation (in case of change in company name)
  6. Copy of updated Trade License (in case of location/address change)
  7. Earthing system of generator (s) (in case of addition of new generator)
  8. Protection system of generator (s) (in case of addition of new generator)

For Gas Based Generator(s)/Power Plant:

  1. Gas supply approval letter
  2. Gas supply contract
  3. Gas supply approved layout plan
  4. Copies of recent gas bill.

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