Question : What are the Key Differences Between Job and Work?

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Answer: The following points are noteworthy so far as the difference between job and work is concerned.

1. Activity, performed by an individual for consideration, is called a job. Any activity that involves physical or mental strain, so as to accomplish a goal, is called work.

2.In the English Language, the word job is a countable noun, that means you can count the number of jobs, but at the same time, the term work is an uncountable noun.

3. The job is much more specific than work as it represents a regular and official activity whereas work means general efforts made to achieve a result.

4.A job is performed for a monetary compensation called salary or wages. On the contrary, work may or may not involve monetary compensation.

5. A job describes your designation in the company, while a work includes all the activities done by you.



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