Question: What is the difference between HRM and ER?

Spread the love                      Answer: The overall management of a HR Department will fall to a HR Manager…

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Question: What is the difference between HR and administration?

Spread the love                      Answer: The difference between HR and Admin is that HR is human resources that…

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Question: Who are the parties involved in industrial relations?

Spread the love                      Answer: Parties Involved in Industrial Relations Employees. … Employers. … Government. … Employers’ Association.…

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Question: How do you deal with labor problems?

Spread the love                      Answer: There is no magic solution to the skilled labor shortage in manufacturing, but…

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Question: What is the difference between Labour relations and industrial relations?

Spread the love                      Answer: Both industrial and employee relations are areas of research related to the conditions…

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Question: Who is the father of industrial relations?

Spread the love                      Answer : Institutionally, industrial relations was founded by John R. Commons when he created…

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Question: What is IR admin?

Spread the love                      Answer: IR – Industrial relation who take care mostly legal department respect to people…

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Question: What Is Grievance?

Spread the love                      Answer: Grievance denotes any discontent or dissatisfaction, whether expressed or not and whether valid…

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Question: What Is Charge Sheet?

Spread the love                      Answer: Charge sheet is a memorandum of charges. Statement of allegations of misconduct/ omission/…

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Question: What Is Job Description?

Spread the love                      Answer: Job description involves listing of job title, tasks and responsibilities in a job.…

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