2 thoughts on “১। শ্রমিকদের জন্য নিম্মতম মজুরীর হার , ২০১৯ (তফসীল -ক)”
It is a very useful site for all compliance professionals, thanks a lot for supporting thousands of professionals by posting valuable and updated post/subject everyday. Wishing you all the best in future.
Thank you so much to appreciate .
Please spread out the website with others.
Many of the professional persons still not informed about the sit due to I am not such type working to promote or spread the site.
But I believe that the site is the best site still now in Bangladesh for compliance professional .
It is a very useful site for all compliance professionals, thanks a lot for supporting thousands of professionals by posting valuable and updated post/subject everyday. Wishing you all the best in future.
Thank you so much to appreciate .
Please spread out the website with others.
Many of the professional persons still not informed about the sit due to I am not such type working to promote or spread the site.
But I believe that the site is the best site still now in Bangladesh for compliance professional .